Car insurance
Insurance Services


Франшиза – сумма, которую не возмещает страховая компания, а клиент оплачивает потерпевшему самостоятельно. Например, если франшиза 2600 грн., то клиент оплачивает потерпевшему 2600 грн., а остальное ІНГО (до 130 тыс. грн.), если франшиза 0, то все оплачивает ІНГО (до 130 тыс. грн.). Чем меньше франшиза, тем дороже полис.
Дополнительное расширение - это договор, который увеличивает сумму, что будет покрывать страховая компания в случае ДТП по вине клиента. По ОСАГО страховая компания может покрыть максимально 130 тыс. грн (это примерно 5 тыс.$) и часто этой суммы не хватает для компенсации. Дополнительное расширение можно оформить от 100 тыс. грн до 1 млн.
*** The franchise is an amount that will be reimbursed by the insurance company and the client will pay to the injured party himself. For example, if franchise is 2600 UAH, the client pays 2600 UAH to the injured party and the rest will be paid by “ITG” (up to 130 thousand UAH). If the reduction franchise is 0, “ITG” pays everything (up to 130 thousand UAH). The less is the reduction franchise, the more expensive is the policy.
**** An additional extension is an agreement that increases the amount to be covered by the insurance company in case of an accident caused by the client. Under car insurance, the insurance company can cover maximum 130 thousand UAH. (It is approximately 5 thousand USD). This amount is often insufficient for compensation. An additional extension can be done from 100 thousand UAH to 1 million UAH.
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is a compulsory motor third party liability insurance for vehicle owners.
In Ukraine, the purchase of Automobile Liability Insurance (in Russian, CMPTL) became compulsory after the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance for Owners of Land Transport Vehicles" from 1 July 2004. The pricing of automobile liability insurance is regulated by the state.
Earlier there were three types of car insurance:
Earlier there were three types of car insurance:
  • The first type
    is a liability insurance for harm caused to life, health or property of third parties as a result of operation of the vehicle, specified in the insurance contract by any person who operates it lawfully.
  • The second type
    is a liability insurance for harm caused to life, health or property of third parties as a result of operation of any vehicle or one of the vehicles, specified in the insurance contract by any person indicated in the insurance contract.
  • Third type
    is a third party liability insurance against damage to life, health or property of third parties resulting from the operation of the vehicle specified in the insurance contract by the person named in the insurance contract or one of the persons named in the contract.
Nowadays, there is only one product of compulsory third party liability insurance (CMTPL).
Why do I need automobile liability insurance?
The benefit for the injured party is a guarantee to receive compensation for damages (for car repairs) under the law. For the party at fault, the benefit is that he is relieved of his obligation to pay compensation for damages resulting from the traffic accident (the insurance company compensates the losses for car repair) under the Law.
For example, if there was a traffic accident through a fault of a client, the insurance company undertakes to compensate the damage to the injured party within the limits of insurance amounts.
Sums insured are equal all over Ukraine and regulated by the Law:
  • 130 thousand UAH for material damage (repair of a car of the injured party);
  • 260 thousand UAH for damage to health or life.
To increase the insured sum for damage to another car, it is possible to draw up an additional extension. It is a contract, which increases the amount the insurance company will cover in case of a traffic accident through the fault of the client. Under CMTPL insurance, the insurance company can cover maximum 130 thousand UAH (approximately 5 thousand USD). It is possible to buy from 100 thousand UAH up to 1 million UAH. Price of such contract is from 185 UAH up to 650 UAH.
The automobile insurance policy is valid for any driver, who drove the vehicle on legal grounds (technical passport and driving license of appropriate category). It means that the car insurance policy will also cover other drivers, not only the insured. Exception is the policy that is issued with discounts. If the policy is issued with the discount of 50%, the insurance will be valid only for the beneficiary (pensioners, war veterans, category II invalids, persons who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster (category I or II).
There is a fine from 425 UAH to 850 UAH for not having an automobile liability insurance.

The cost of automobile liability insurance depends on:
  • type of vehicle;
  • engine capacity;
  • year of production of the car (earlier this factor was not taken into consideration). The older a car is, the cheaper is the obligatory c automobile liability insurance;
  • city of residence registration of the car owner (before, the cost of automobile liability insurance depended on the city where the car was registered – Department of Motor Vehicle);
  • age of the insured. The older the policyholder, the cheaper the CMTPL;
  • the sector in which the vehicle is used (taxi, lease);
  • discounts for receiving a 50% discount;
  • franchise amount is the amount chosen independently.
Franchise is an amount that is reimbursed by the insurance company and paid by the client to the injured party. For example, if franchise is 2600 UAH, the client pays 2600 UAH to the injured person and the rest to the insurance company (up to 130 thousand UAH), if reduction franchise is 0, the insurance company pays everything (up to 130 thousand UAH). The lower is the franchise, the more expensive is the policy.
In order to consider all risks and protect yourself, we advise to execute additional expansion in details by link and "Deliberate protection" by link.
Additional expansion is an agreement that increases the sum insurer will cover in case of a traffic accident caused by the client. Under CMTPL insurance, the insurance company can cover maximum 130 thousand UAH (approximately 5 thousand USD). Often, this amount is not enough for compensation. Additional extension can be done from 100 thousand UAH up to 1 million UAH.

At registration of additional extension for 300 thousand UAH (460 UAH) and more you get the "roadside assistance" card free of charge!

The "Assistance on the Road" card includes:

  • Free vehicle impoundment from the place of breakdown (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free vehicle impoundment from the place of accident (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free replacement of a wheel with a regular spare (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free engine start from an external power source (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free fuel delivery (1 time up to 10 l)
  • Taxi in case of vehicle impoundment (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
"Deliberate protection" is an agreement, which guarantees payment to the injured party directly from “ITG” (and not from the insurance company of the at-fault party). The injured client applies directly to us and receives compensation in the shortest possible time. You do not need to wait for a court decision to receive payment.
This contract guarantees payment if:
  • the insurance company of the guilty party is not included in the system of direct settlement (there are only 15 companies, and in Ukraine there are about 300 insurance companies);
  • a fraudster insures the accident initiator or his company is bankrupt.
Let's look at the situation how the compensation depending on the availability of insurance and why automobile insurance, additional extension of liability and "Deliberate protection ".
Automobile liability insurance for taxis
When arranging automobile insurance for a taxi, it is imperative that you choose the scope of use - 'taxi'. There is a lot more on CMTPL for taxis because the car is used to earn money and spends more time on the roads, which increases the risk of traffic accidents. Motor insurance for taxis can be arranged online.
Documents required for drawing up motor third party liability insurance:
  • Passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • Identification code (INN);
  • Technical passport;
  • A document confirming the right for 50% discount.
How to buy/draw up automobile liability insurance (CMTPL)?
Draw up online on website
Draw up online and receive the policy within 5 min by e-mail. The electronic car insurance policy can be printed out and kept in your car for easy reference or can be stored in your phone.
Send an application
To send an application and manager will prepare documents and send by e-mail or free of charge by post the printed version.
Come to our office
Come to the office with the documents and get the ready policy in 10 minutes. Our offices are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00 without a lunch break. The office of on the Right bank - Konstantinovskaya street, 2A (Podol, metro station Kontraktova plosha), office on the Left cbank of Kyiv - Dekabristov street, 3 (metro station Kharkovskaya).
Why is it important to buy an automobile liability insurance from ITG?
  • 27 years of impeccable reputation in the Ukrainian insurance market;
  • highly trained staff, who will provide you with maximum information on this type of insurance;
  • quality service, personal approach, efficiency in execution of insurance contracts;
  • for your convenience, there is round-the-clock specialized service, which in case of a traffic accident will provide maximum support and assistance at any time of day and night.
Insurance is performed according to the Law of Ukraine No. 1961 "On obligatory Third Party Liability insurance for owners of land vehicles" of 01.07.2004 on the basis and according to the license of State commission on regulation of financial services markets of Ukraine series АВ, No. 377568 of 17.01.2008.
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Kyiv, 04071
Podil, 2a Konstantynivska St.
Теl.: +38 (097) 180 88 88
E-mail: office@ingo.kiev.ua