Travel Insurance
Insurance Services

Travel insurance is a guarantee for medical care abroad

Registration online in 5 minutes with COVID-19 coverage abroad

Франшиза – сумма, которую не возмещает страховая компания, а клиент оплачивает потерпевшему самостоятельно. Например, если франшиза 2600 грн., то клиент оплачивает потерпевшему 2600 грн., а остальное ІНГО (до 130 тыс. грн.), если франшиза 0, то все оплачивает ІНГО (до 130 тыс. грн.). Чем меньше франшиза, тем дороже полис.
Дополнительное расширение - это договор, который увеличивает сумму, что будет покрывать страховая компания в случае ДТП по вине клиента. По ОСАГО страховая компания может покрыть максимально 130 тыс. грн (это примерно 5 тыс.$) и часто этой суммы не хватает для компенсации. Дополнительное расширение можно оформить от 100 тыс. грн до 1 млн.
When going on a trip abroad, we usually count on having a good holiday and gaining lots of new and pleasant experiences. In order to prevent a trip to be spoilt by unforeseen health problems, it is better to take care of insurance cover in advance and buy a medical expenses insurance policy from “ITG”. Then you can be sure that the insurance company will cover all expenses related to medical care.
WHY do you need travel insurance?

  1. In most countries, having travel insurance is compulsory and needs to be presented at the passport control.
  2. Travel insurance covers you for treatment in the event of illness abroad. Availability of such an insurance policy is compulsory for visiting most countries, as it is the insurance company that will pay for tourist's treatment in case of COVID-19 infection.
  3. Travel insurance policy is a guarantee of medical aid abroad. For example, minor medical care in Germany costs over 300 Euro, while a mere consultation with a general practitioner in Dubai costs 200 Euro. If you have a travel insurance policy, the insurance company will cover all costs.
  4. In some countries, you may be fined for not having insurance. For example, if you are stopped by the police in Latvia and do not have an insurance policy - a fine of 285 Euro.

"Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst" is the expression that best describes the principle of insurance.

The cost of insurance depends on the number of days spent abroad, the country, age of the insured, rest and insured sum. Important! When travelling abroad everyone is insured regardless of age: both children under 1 year old and elderly people aged 60 and over.

Medical insurance programs
Medical expenses
Treatment in case of illness COVID-19
Emergency dental care
Medical evacuation (including repatriation)
Luggage damage compensation
Medical expenses are paid by ITG directly to medical institution or are reimbursed to insured person if expenses were paid by him/her independently.

There are a lot of variants of all kinds of travel, please contact us and we will choose optimal insurance policy with full coverage for you.

Comparison of OPTIMAL and PLATINUM travel insurance programs
Medical expenses insurance From 10 000 - 100 000 Euro/USD
Emergency ambulance Included
Outpatient treatment and medication Included
Inpatient treatment Included
Urgent dental health service 150 Euro/USD
COVID-19 treatment 3000 Euro/USD
Medical emergency care for complications of pregnancy Included
Search and rescue 15% from insured sum
Repatriation Included
Call center costs for telephone calls Not applicable
Transportation of the insured to the nearest barometric chamber (diving) Not applicable
Economy class travel to the country of permanent residence if the planned departure did not take place due to hospitalization Not applicable
Payment of travel expenses for a relative to the insured person during treatment abroad Not applicable
Medical expenses insurance From 10 000 - 100 000 Euro/USD
Emergency ambulance Included
Outpatient treatment and medication Included
Inpatient treatment Included
Urgent dental health service 1% from insured sum
COVID-19 treatment 5000 Euro/USD
Medical emergency care for complications of pregnancy Included
Search and rescue 15% from insured sum
Repatriation Included
Call center costs for telephone calls 100 Euro/USD
Transportation of the insured to the nearest barometric chamber (diving) Included
Economy class travel to the country of permanent residence if the planned departure did not take place due to hospitalization Included
Payment of travel expenses for a relative to the insured person during treatment abroad Included
Why is it important to take out ITG?
  • Travel Insurance policy of “ITG” Insurance Company is recognized by consular services in all countries of the world
  • The travel insurance policy can be easily re-issued for another period or cancelled if your trip is cancelled.
  • The travel insurance policy is valid for all types of trips: tourist, business, extreme sports and high-risk jobs (miners, construction workers, and electricians), single and multiple trips during the year
  • In case you need urgent help during the trip - you just call to corresponding round-the-clock ITG service center: in any stressful situation, at any time you will get a detailed consultation - whom to contact and how to act in the current situation
In addition to the medical insurance policy, you can also take out a travel accident and baggage insurance policy for your trip abroad.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that embassies of some countries now require an additional insurance policy: you need to take out a travel insurance policy within the 15-day corridor (plus 15 days beyond the dates of stay in the country).

Unfortunately, the embassy does not provide this information to the insurance company. You have to check this information individually at the embassy.

Do not forget that by taking out this insurance policy, you do not just bring the document necessary for obtaining a visa to the embassy, but also get your health protection for the duration of your trip.
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Теl.: +38 (097) 180 88 88
E-mail: office@ingo.kiev.ua