Car insurance
Insurance Services

Additional extension

Additional extension cost
Additional Extension is a contract that increases the amount that the insurance company will cover in the event of a traffic accident caused by the client. Under CMTPL, the insurance company can cover a maximum of 130 thousand UAH (this is about 5,000 USD).
Often this sum is not enough for compensation because there are many premium class cars on Ukrainian automobile roads and replacement of only headlights can exceed 100 thousand UAH.
Additional extension cost
Fill in the form
Choose the insurance option
Pay by card without % and receive the policy by e-mail

At registration of additional extension for 300 thousand UAH (460 UAH) and more you get the "roadside assistance" card free of charge!

The "Assistance on the Road" card includes:

  • Free vehicle impoundment from the place of breakdown (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free vehicle impoundment from the place of accident (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free replacement of a wheel with a regular spare (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free engine start from an external power source (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
  • Free fuel delivery (1 time up to 10 l)
  • Taxi in case of vehicle impoundment (1 time - limit 500 UAH)
The benefit from additional extension
is obvious, and let us consider by example
why it is important to buy additional
extension to CMTPL.
For example, when parking, you fail to see your Porsche (it does not even matter the model) and hit the car. Headlights and bonnet are damaged. Preliminary estimate of repair - 200 thousand UAH. What are the consequences of unsuccessful parking in presence and absence of additional extension below.
There is additional extension, only CMTPL – the insurance company will pay to Porsche owner 130 thousand UAH, and the rest in 70 thousand UAH will have to be compensated by guilty party himself from his wallet. As a result, bad parking had unpleasant financial consequences.

There is additional extension and CMTPL - the insurance company will pay to the Porsche owner the whole sum for repair. 130 thousand UAH under CMTPL contract and 70 thousand UAH under additional extension. The bad parking did not worsen the financial situation.
The described situation shows that life is unpredictable and it is better to consider all possible risks. You can save tens of thousands of hryvnias after an unfortunate event.
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E-mail: office@ingo.kiev.ua